Student Loans
Contra Costa College participates in the Federal Direct Student Loan Program. Students may submit a Loan Request online through InSite. Just sign in, select the “Financial Aid” tile, then “Financial Aid Home,” then “New Loan Request” from the main drop-down menu. Loan Request processing can take 2-4 weeks, after which you will be notified of your loan eligibility via your student email account on InSite.
For more information about Federal Direct Student Loans, watch this video.
First-time Borrowers
If you have never taken out a student loan before, or your prior student loans have already been closed, you must complete online Loan Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note in order for your loans to be processed. Click here for step-by-step instructions.
Need help?
Book an online Financial Aid Appointment to meet with a financial aid advisor via Zoom to get one-on-one help submitting a new loan request, or completing your online Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note.
Loan Disbursement Information
Federal student loans are always disbursed in two equal disbursements for the award period. If your loan is awarded for a full academic year, that usually means one disbursement in fall and another in spring. However, if your loan is awarded for one semester, you can still expect to receive two disbursements: one in the first half of the semester, and another after the midpoint of the semester has passed.
First-time Borrowers are NOT eligible to receive a loan disbursement until AFTER 30 days from the start of each semester; therefore, first-time borrowers can expect to receive their loan disbursement by the SECOND disbursement date of each semester, so long as all other requirements are met by the published documentation deadline for the second disbursement date below.