Transfer Services
Student + Administration Building, Room 227
Sr. Program Coordinator
Marina Melara
Transfer Counselor/Coordinator
Andrea S. Phillips
Monday-Thursday | 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | In-Person & Remote
Available Remote Appointments with a Counselor

Transfer Services

Welcome to Transfer Services and join us in exploring what Transfer has to offer. Go to our Transfer Event webpage to see events like, 4-year college tour fieldtrips, college reps on campus, or more.

When to Apply for Transfer – UC & CSU Campuses

We Can Help With

  • Educational planning
  • Advice from visiting four-year college representatives, including presentations and one-on-one appointments
  • Transfer preparation classes, where you earn course credit and get help getting started
  • Bus and plane trips to tour colleges and universities. Bus trips will give students an opportunity to visit California schools, many being Hispanic-Serving Institutions.
  • Workshops and special events, like Transfer Day and the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Caravan.
  • Choosing the right school
  • Filling out applications, answering Personal Insight Questions and writing personal statements
  • Finding and applying for scholarships

A Few Tips to Get Started

  • Research and identify some majors and degrees you might like to pursue before you start looking at schools.
  • Take some courses like Counseling 120, 103B and 130. They can be very helpful in figuring out what your goals are, and how to reach them.
  • Then, research and identify the four-year schools and programs you might like to attend.
  • Be sure to keep your GPA as high as possible, to make yourself competitive as an applicant.
  • Meet with your counselors and instructors regularly.
  • Keep an eye on our calendar for tours, visits from college representatives, and workshops that might be helpful to you.
  • Start looking for scholarships now.
  • Enroll in CCC Transfer Information CANVAS shell

Resources for Applying to CA Private, Out of State, HBCU & HACU (HSI) Campuses