
Book + Calculator Loans

If you’re having a hard time paying for textbooks, there are a few programs around campus that might be able to help out!

Adelante STEM Academy

Students who participate in the STEM Academy will receive their math textbook and one STEM textbook of their choice on loan for the semester. If they meet certain program requirements, they will also qualify to borrow books the following semester, as well.

Adelante students also qualify to participate in our calculator and laptop loan programs. Calculators are loaned on a first come, first served basis.

Laptops may be checked out for use in the STEM Center while you are studying or receiving tutoring.

Campus-Wide Tutoring

Students in Astro-120, Bio-110, Chem-119 and Span-120 can borrow a book for the semester if they agree to attend at least ten Peer-Led Team Learning Workshops and/or tutoring sessions during the semester. Copies are limited and are available on a first come, first served basis.

They also loan math textbooks, if there are any left over after Math Jam students borrow theirs.

Math 122

Students taking Math 122 may also qualify for calculator loans on a first come, first served basis.

EOPS / CalWorks

If you are an EOPS student, they might also be able to help you out with calculator loans, as well as book loans in various subjects.