Work Education Experience
Student and Administration Building, Room 227

Did you know you can get course credit for your job, internship or volunteer work?

With Work Education Experience you can earn college units of transferable, elective credit for on-the-job learning.

Work Education Experience can also help you boost your grade point average and maintain full-time student status.

As a Work Education Experience student, you will collaborate with your instructor and worksite supervisor to create your own learning objectives designed to help you increase your employable skills and capabilities, enhance professional qualities, and prepare you for your future career.

How to Sign Up

1. Register for WRKX 170 or 099.

2. Attend orientation.  You should get an email letting you know the times, dates and locations.

3. Submit these forms:

Cooperative Education Application

Employer Agreement Letter

Cooperative Education Learning Objectives

How it Works

The number of units you can earn depends on the number of hours you work per week. During any given term you can earn one college unit for every 54hrs worked during the semester.

Other things to know:

  • Up to a total of 16 units may be used as electives toward an A.A. or A.S. degree at Contra Costa College.
  • The California State University system will accept up to 16 units of Coop Ed as lower division electives.
  • The University of California system will not accept Coop Ed units.
  • Private universities and colleges vary. If you plan to attend one, you should contact their admissions offices about whether they are transferable.

Which WRKX Course to Register For

Starting Spring 2025 there will be only one WRKX option at Contra Costa College.

WRKX 170 will be the only course offered regardless of the major or career pathway.