Campus Safety Tips
Please take the time to consider the following safety tips when coming to and from campus:
Parking lots – When walking to your vehicle, have your keys ready in your hands. This will reduce time searching your pockets and purses at your vehicle. Report all suspicious activity when safe to do so. If you are feeling unsafe, or need assistance, call campus Police Services for an escort.
Vehicles – If you must have items in your car, please put them in your trunk or out of view in a glove box or center console. Auto break-ins are a crime of opportunity, criminals break into cars when they see something they want. This might be something of little value to you, but it may have use to them. This includes loose change, books, backpacks, jackets, clothes, food, purses and of course laptops, and cell phones as well as any other item that may become useful to them. The damage to your car is typically more expensive than the lost item.
Digital devices – Avoid use of cell phones and headphones while walking. These devices are distracting, and often decrease your awareness of your surroundings. If you must use headphones, try using only one earpiece instead of both.
Use the buddy system – Whenever possible, walk with a classmate, co-worker, or group when possible. The saying “there’s safety in numbers” is particularly applicable walking in the parking lots, pathways, and trail systems.
Have a plan – Whether out on a run or walking the scenic campus roadways and paths, taking personal responsibility for your safety means thinking about how you’ll respond if you’re put in a difficult situation. Just because you feel safe since you’ve walked the same route dozens or even hundreds of times, doesn’t mean you should let your guard down. Never place yourself in a position where you have no escape route. If you feel unsafe, head towards populated areas and be prepared to yell out for help to get attention. There’s a difference between feeling safe and being safe. Having a plan helps you be safe!
Trust your instincts – If you sense that something is not right, report it. Report suspicious activities to District Police Services while on campus (510-215-4858, from your campus ShoreTel: x44858), and to local authorities when elsewhere. Don’t be a victim! Help others avoid being victimized by encouraging them to report suspicious behavior. Call 911 if you have an emergency or 9-911 from campus phones.
Following these tips can help you stay safe. Use them as a guide of just a few of the many things you can do to take more personal responsibility for your safety while on campus.