
Progress happens one step at a time

Protecting people and property:  

Did you know that our district police department has a website? You can check out the daily log (right-hand menu), and find a map of police incidents. Lt Tom Holt highlighted this resource at the last Operations Council meeting! The Operations council is concerned with the state of building alarms on campus, and has taken action to work with a contractor to survey and investigate improvements. Finally, the governing board reviewed the district emergency operations plan this evening. Check it out – only 298 pages!

CORONANAVIRUS AND FLU: District Communication Strategy and Action Regarding Infectious Disease Outbreaks was agenda item 16B this week. Two documents were shared:

Contra Costa County Community College District Public Health Information

February 6, 2020 – Email to All 4CD Employees and Students

Guided Pathways – the work continues on

The steering committee for Guided Pathways at CCC continues to meet monthly, and we are glad to have faculty chairs for each of the 3 workgroups that are keeping the momentum for this effort.

The four pillars of guided pathways: Define the path, Enter the Path, Stay on the path, Ensure learning
Define the path, Enter the path, Stay on the path, Ensure learning

My favorite resource to learn is the ASCCC webinars on their Guided Pathways Community Page.  Scroll down to “past webinars”. They are posted nearly weekly from September 2018-until a few weeks ago! I’d be happy to share some recommendations, but only a few of these are stinkers – they are mostly great! This is a big project, and we are making steady progress with a group of dedicated people.  I hope you will continue to support their work and engage as opportunities arise! 

Important dates

March 5: First Student Success Committee meeting in a long time! (2:30-4pm Fireside Hall)

March 26: Collegiality in Action Visit (Training in participatory governance by State Academic senate president and his league of college presidents counterpart) (2-4pm GE 225)

Equity moment

Graph of retention rates at CCC disaggregated by ethnicity
These are the retention rates reported in CCC’s ISER (Accreditation Report)