
Black Minds Matter Keynote Lecture

On September 19th, Contra Costa College Student Equity will be holding a keynote presentation and workshop focused on the trends, challenges and opportunities faced by men of color.

J. Luke Wood, Ph.D. is the Associate Vice President for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion and Distinguished Professor of Education at San Diego State University. Dr. Wood serves as the Co-Director of the Community College Equity Assessment Lab (CCEAL), a national research and practice center that partners with community colleges to support their capacity in advancing outcomes for underserved students of color, has delivered over 120 scholarly professional and conference presentations, and has authored and edited over 120 publications, including more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles and 14 books.

Join us as we discuss ways to raise our campus consciousness and learn how to best support men of color in education.

Family-friendly event. Open to the public.

Lecture tickets are free but must be reserved.

Workshop tickets are also free and must also be reserved.