
Academic Senate – Working hard on Academic and Professional Matters!

Curriculum Committee Victory!

The course/program approval queue has been cleared! For over a year, your hard-working curriculum representatives have been toiling away at a tremendous backlog of curriculum proposals. They meet twice a month for 2 hours each time, and they work hard! As faculty, it’s up to us to make sure the courses and programs we offer to students are of high academic integrity and that the course outlines serve as useful guides to everyone teaching our courses. Please thank your CIC members for their efforts and congratulate them on a job well done.

  • Mark Wong (Academic Senate VP and CIC chair)
  • LA division
    • Anthony Gordon (also incoming ASC VP-CIC chair)
    • Ben Jahn
    • Jennifer Griest
  • AACE division
    • Brianne Ayala
  • NSAS division
    • Jennifer Oinjian
    • Leslie Alexander
  • SES division
    • Najia Azizi (also Articulation Officer)
  • Non-Voting
    • Karen Rukowski (Curriculum Specialist)
    • Brandy Gibson (SLO/AUO coordinator)

More curriculum action!

The ASC passed 23 resolutions about racial and social justice on July 1, 2020. #19-23 are related to curriculum and Content Review. This is one of the most exciting and powerful things we do as an Academic Senate (this means all of you!) . Yes- I really am talking about content review and curriculum processes!  Curriculum drives our courses, and this is where we make real, institutional, change in how we interact with our students around our areas of expertise. We often think of content review as a compliance activity required by “the state” and ACCJC. It often isn’t very meaningful expect to update the textbook and maybe check that pre-requisites still make sense. A subgroup of the curriculum committee has been working on changes to the content review process that are intended to make it a process that encourages regular reflection and analysis of how our courses are serving our students. Can our Course Outlines of Record (COR’s) be a vehicle for racial justice, equity and cultural responsiveness? Join the discussion at Monday’s CIC meeting and provide your thoughts!

Distance Education – another ASC subcommittee doing amazing work!

Help your students utilize the new Comet Support Hub. It’s accessed from within a course shell, you won’t see the link on the lower left of the menu from the dashboard view. More information is in Maritez’ fantastic newsletter.

Screenshot of Comet Support Hub

The DE committee also wants to report that we have some great new tools for online learning. Ally helps us see whether our files are accessible, and Hypothesis is an annotation tool that gives us another way to have group analysis of a document. Maybe an alternative to zoom breakout rooms or the discussion tool in Canvas! There is also an Online Teaching Essentials shell you can add to your Canvas dashboard.

Hiring the next CCC Permanent President

Attend the public forum to provide input to Dr Reece about what we want in the job description and in selection process. 3 faculty appointed by the ASC and 1 appointed by the UF will be on the committee according to BP2057, but this forum will help the entire hiring committee and the Chancellor know your thoughts. We came together in Fall of 2019 to share our thoughts. Take a look at what we shared at our first meeting and campus survey, and final meeting focused on equity work. Please take the opportunity to emphasize ideas that are still relevant, and add your thoughts about what might have changed.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 106 9421

Passcode: 662119

Questions to consider follow.

1.      What are the major issues and challenges facing CCC and 4CD in the next three to five years? (CCC President Forum)

2.      What are the major issues and challenges facing 4CD in the next three to five years? (AVC/CFO Forum)

3.      What characteristics, qualities, attributes, and skills do you think are critical for the success of each of these positions? (Both Forums)