First week of class feels just like this atmospheric river!
Faculty needed for hiring committees
Brace yourselves, we have many managers still to hire this semester! We are starting out with two which are run by Chancellor Reece. We need faculty who can represent the broad viewpoints of our campus and who know our students to help select these top leaders! The ASC has improved the process we first instituted in Fall of 2019. Please don’t be intimidated by the application – no one is judging YOU, we are just trying to form the most representative committees we can, and be as fair and transparent as possible. The deadline to apply to be on a committee is noon on Friday, January 29.
- CCC Permanent President
- Associate Vice Chancellor – CFO
Guided Pathways making our Strategic Plan real!
A big shout-out to all the faculty who attended the Guided Pathways retreat the week before FLEX. It’s wonderful to see so many colleagues engaged and bringing their ideas, experience and devotion to students to the work. I’m confident that we at CCC’s will use the statewide movement towards a guided pathway model to institute the tools we need to help our students reach their goals! Here are your colleagues who attended the Guided Pathway retreat: please tell them your thoughts and ask questions! Sarah Boland, Leslie Alexander, Erica Watson, Nooshi Borhan, Shelley Ruby, Irena Stefanova, Marisol Cantu, and me – Katie Krolikowski
District-wide anti-racism pledge event
Your ASC will be joining LMC and DVC Academic Senates on Monday to vote to adopt a resolution in support of the ASCCC Anti-Racism Pledge. Here’s a draft of what making the pledge yourself might look like. Talk to your ASC Division Senators to share your thoughts, and keep an eye out for pledge-based activities in the month of February.