
A quick update for F2020 week 12

VPI Public Forum

The public forum for our community to meet potential VPI’s is set for November 17 in the afternoon. Dr Bell has asked me to solicit questions from faculty. Please email me with questions you’d like to see posed to the candidates and I will share them with him.

Equity training courtesy of Regional Strong Workforce dollars

The BACCC (our regional CTE body) has been sponsoring a professional development equity series. The next one is November 20 (Friday). There is a link to get registered, and the informational flyer is here.

Guided Pathways: Pathway supports workgroup needs a faculty member!

We still need a faculty leader in the workgroup that focuses on supports for students outside of the classroom. We know that to succeed in education, our students need more than we can give in the classroom. Please consider the 0.2 release time available to share your expertise in how curriculum and student services-type work can work together for our students!

Distance Education guidance: online proctoring

There has been vigorous debate at the ASC and the DE committee about the use of online proctoring software. This is why we are all part of the Academic Senate – as faculty we have the expertise and broad perspective to help make the best decisions for our students. Please share your ideas with your ASC senators and DE representatives. A guidance document about online proctoring will be discussed at the DE committee meeting Friday the 13th, and at the ASC meeting Monday the 16th.

ASCCC Fall Plenary – I was proud to share our July 1 resolutions taking action for social and racial justice

The state academic senate (ASCCC) had the fall plenary meeting last week. As you can see from the final adopted resolutions, our colleagues across California are tackling racial justice and equity head-on! I was proud to share the work of CCC and our 23 July 1 resolutions

in multiple breakouts. I was especially glad to be able to share our campus commitment to the AASA’s call to action during the debate of resolution 3.01 and its specific ask that faculty commitment to action rather than lip service when it comes to anti-racism. Supporting info and presentation documents are found at this website.

Collegiality in action: foundational information

The collegiality in action visit was fairly dry, but covered useful basics of participatory government, collegial consultation, and the importance of developing a functional governance system. The powerpoint they shared will be a good resource for us moving forward with our IEPI-PRT2 work.

CARES Act : tech for teaching at home, ask for reimbursement

CARES act dollars can help support things you’ve purchased to teach our counsel from home. If you need reimbursement, work with your department chair and dean. Remember that if CCC $ is used, the product belongs to the district, not you!