
Remote Learning to Continue Through Spring 2021 Semester

Due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic, the Contra Costa Community College District has decided to offer predominantly remote courses and student services for the entire 2020-21 academic year. The district has been operating remotely since March 16, 2020.

A limited number of students will continue to be allowed on campus to attend hard-to-convert courses and labs. Strict adherence to county social distancing guidelines will be enforced to ensure student and employee safety. 

“We thought it was best to make this decision as early as possible to give our students, classified professionals, faculty and administrators the opportunity to plan accordingly,” said Interim Chancellor Gene Huff. “This has been a challenging time for many of our students who are taking online courses for the first time, and we want to thank them for their perseverance and flexibility. Our many support services like tutoring and counseling are ready to assist our students achieve their academic goals with us.”

Registration for spring 2021 courses begins in November. The spring schedule will be available early that month.