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HomeStudent Services + SupportTransfer ServicesHistorically Black Colleges and Universities Tour

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Tour

This spring, a small group of Contra Costa College students will tour Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs,) across the country.

Interested students must attend a Get on the Bus local tour during the fall 2018 semester.

Applications open October 2 and close Thursday, November 29 at 5:00 p.m. Submit your application in the Transfer Center (room 227 of the Student + Administration Building).

If you have any questions, please contact Andrea S. Phillips, Transfer Counselor/Coordinator, at aphillips@contracosta.edu or 510.215.3914.

[button link=”https://www.contracosta.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/HBCU-Tour-Student-Application-2018-19.pdf” text=”Apply Now” color=”stroke”]

Twelve Contra Costa College students will be selected to attend the HBCU tour, led by Educational Student Tours. Interested students must apply and meet minimum eligibility criteria. An HBCU review committee of faculty, staff, and administrators will make final selections based on strength and quality of application. Students who are not selected will be placed on a wait-list.

This tour includes students from Contra Costa College (CCC) and Los Angeles Community College District.

  • Students will depart Oakland International Airport to Baltimore/Washington International Airport on Sunday, March 31 and return Friday April 5, 2019. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from Oakland Airport.
  • Students will travel on a chartered tour bus to Howard University, Bowie State University, Lincoln University (PA), Morgan St University, Hampton University, Norfolk State University, and Virginia State University. Students will also visit the National Museum Of African American History and Culture and see National Landmarks around Washington DC.
  • Students from CCC will be accompanied by Andrea S. Phillips, MA/MS, Transfer Counselor/Coordinator & TBD. Each college will have a chaperons attending.

Minimum Eligibility:

  • Completed 15 or more transferable units completed at the time of application (students with more transfer units will have higher priority);
  • Enrolled in/completion of English 1A or a transferable Math;
  • 2.5 CUMULATIVE TRANSFERABLE GPA or higher at the time of application & maintained through final Fall semester 2018 grades. (students with higher GPAs will have higher priority);
  • Enrolled in at least nine transferrable units from Contra Costa College for fall 2018 and complete at least nine units from CCC by the end of fall;
  • Be in food academic and disciplinary standing at Contra Costa College;
  • Show genuine interest in attending a HBCU through written portion of Personal Statement Essay (500 – 750 words);
  • One Letter of Recommendation from a CCC faculty in your major of study;
  • Must attend at least one Get on the Bus local campus tour during fall 2018 semester:
    • Friday October 19 CSU East Bay
    • Friday November 9, – UC Davis
    • Friday, December 7 – Samuel Merritt (Nursing)
    • Friday, November 30 – Sacramento State (TENTATIVE)

To be considered for participation, download and submit an application packet and faculty recommendation form.