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Veterans Residency Requirements

Member of the U.S. Armed Forces (Cal. Ed. Code § 68075):

Any military members who are stationed in CA and on active duty, not for educational purposes, are granted a waiver of non-resident tuition for as long as student maintains eligibility requirements.

Student needs to fill out the Residency Reclassification Appeal Form and submit electronically.

Child or Spouse of a Member of the U.S. Armed Forces (Cal. Ed. Code § 68074):

Dependents of Member of the U.S. Armed Forces who is stationed in CA and on active duty are granted a waiver of non-resident tuition as long as parent/spouse maintains eligibility requirements. If parent/spouse transfers or retires, dependent shall not lose residence so long as student remains continuously enrolled at CCC.

Student needs to fill out the Residency Reclassification Appeal Form and submit electronically.

Former Member of the U.S. Armed Forces:

Cal. Ed. Code § 68075.5: Any military members who were stationed in CA and were on active duty for more than one year immediately prior to discharge are granted a waiver of non-resident tuition up to the minimum time necessary to become a resident. Exemption must be used within two years of discharge. Disqualification: a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge.

Student needs to fill out the Residency Reclassification Appeal Form and submit electronically.

Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (Veteran’s Choice Act or VACAA) (38 U.S.C. § 3679):

A student who lives in California and uses education benefits under Chapter 30, 31, or 33 is granted a waiver of non-resident tuition regardless of his/her formal State of residence. Under the provision of Isakson and Roe Veteran Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020, section 1005, the requirement for covered individuals to enroll in a course at a public institution of higher learning within three years of being discharged to receive in-state tuition is no longer required effective August 1, 2021.

A covered individual is defined as:

  • A veteran, or
  • A spouse or dependent child using transferred benefits, or
  • A spouse or dependent child of a person whose active-duty transferor dies, on or after September. 11, 2001, in the line of duty, or
  • A spouse or dependent child using transferred benefits and the transferor is serving on active duty effective for courses, semesters, or terms beginning after July 1, 2017;
  • Students who initially qualify under the applicable requirements above maintain “covered individual” status as long as they remain continuously enrolled

Student needs to fill out the Residency Reclassification Appeal Form and submit electronically.