SafeZone is a faculty and staff group dedicated to creating a supportive environment for the LGBTQ+ community at Contra Costa College. When you encounter the SafeZone logo on campus, know that you are welcome to express yourself freely and in confidence.
- CCC LGBTQIA+ Advisory Group – Faculty & Staff Group
For more information, please contact Rod Santos (Dean of Enrollment Services & LGBTQIA+ College Coordinator). - Rainbow Comets Club – Student Group
Fall 2024: meets each Wednesday 4-5pm in AA-239D
Rainbow Comets Club Co-Advisor CJ Price, Hope Dixon, Jaina Eyestone
To get connected email, CJ Price (LGBTQIA+ Faculty Coordinator). - Counseling – CCC counselors are ready and available to help discuss personal matters. Make an appointment online.
- Wellness Counseling – Contra Costa College offers free psychotherapy. Free, confidential individual and specialized group therapy is conveniently located on the CCC campus. Our interns and therapists are warm, caring and available by appointment. To access this service, complete the intake form. You will receive a call within 48 to 82 hours to schedule an appointment.
- Gender Neutral Restrooms – Located on the second floors of the General Education Building, Gym Annex, and Library; and on the first floor of the Early Learning Center.
- Campus Pride: Resources, events, and research on creating safer college environments for LGBTQ+ Students at www.campuspride.org
- FORGE — http://forge-forward.org/ is a progressive organization whose mission is tosupport, educate and advocate for the rights and lives of transgender individuals and SOFFAs (Significant Others, Friends, Family, and Allies). They have recorded webinars on many different issues related to trans* individuals and SOFFAs.
- Gay and Lesbian National Hotline: Counseling, education and resources for all ages at www.glmnh.org or 888-843-4564
- GLMA (Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality): Healthcare resources,healthcare equality index and advocacy at www.glma.org
- GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian & straight Education Network): Resources, education andnetworking around creating safe schools at www.glsen.org
- HRC (Human Rights Campaign): Educational material and resources workingtowards LGBTQ+ equality, including state maps of current laws and policies atwww.hrc.org
- Immigrant Equality: National LGBTQ immigrant rights organization, and it bothadvocates for and directly represents LGBTQ and HIV-positive people in theimmigration system https://immigrationequality.org/
- National Black Justice Coalition: An American civil rights organization serving primarily lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. http://nbjc.org/
- National LGBTQ Task Force: Building the grassroots power of the LGBTQ+ community, eduation, activism, research and resources at www.thetaskforce.org.
- PFLAG (Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United with LGBTQ People to moveequality forward): Support, education, resources and advocacy at www.pflag.org
- Trans Lifeline: Free helpline/hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people. 877-565-8860 or www.translifeline.org
- Trevor Project: National 24 hour helpline and online support for LGBTQ+ youth at866-4UTrevor or www.thetrevorproject.org
- TSER (Trans Student Equality Resources): Resources, education, and networkingaround improving the school environment for trans and gender nonconformingstudents at www.transstudent.org
- WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health): Professional andeducational organization devoted to transgender health at www.wpath.org
- The “Not All Like That” (NALT) Project – http://notalllikethat.org – videos of(awesome) Christians (mostly families) explaining how they fully support LGBTQpeople and that being Christian shouldn’t mean being anti-gay.
- Gender Spectrum Resources: https://genderspectrum.org/resources
- Family Acceptance Project Posters (in 11 languages): Https://familyproject.sfsu.edu/poster
- Our Family Coalition (supporting LGBTQ+ families): https://ourfamily.org
- Teaching LGBTQ+ History (lesson plans for K-12 grades): https://lgbtqhistory.org/lesson-plans/
- Free Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression (SOGIE) handbook online:
- LGBT National Hotline: 1-888-843-4564