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HomeFaculty + Staff ResourcesProgram Review

Program Review

To evaluate how well a program functions in relationship to:

                        (a) the department’s learning outcomes, course objectives and mission statement;

                        (b) the college mission statement, institutional goals and outcomes; and

                        (c) the priorities and needs of the community.

To strengthen and integrate planning, decision making, and scheduling.

To encourage program development and improvement.

To improve the use of college resources.

To comply with Title V, accreditation and matriculation requirements.



Provide quality programs through peer review and self-evaluation

Encourage systematic collection and review of student learning assessments and effectiveness measures

Ensure that the program meets its stated mission and addresses the strategic directions of the college

Recognize and celebrate achievements and successes

Identify and address concerns and difficulties

Fulfill institutional and programmatic accreditation requirements


                                              Elements of the Process

Faculty leadership

Flexibility in defining areas to be assessed

Support provided by Office of Institutional Research

Recommendations based on quantitative and qualitative data

A continuous improvement cycle whereby the recommendations and action plan for one cycle are addressed in the next cycle

Sharing and communication of the program review summary and action plan with others at the college