
Budget Committee


1. To evaluate procedures for the allocation and use of revenue

2. To make recommendations on budget augmentation

3. To review new grant proposals

4. To maintain a comprehensive record of College wide grant budgets in order to help facilitate funding of relevant projects

5. To develop the process for allocation of and to allocate special funds (e.g. instructional equipment funds)

6. To make funding recommendations jointly with Student Success, Planning, and/or Operations Committees to College Council.


Participatory (Shared) governance subcommittee of College Council.

Meeting Time

Third Wednesday of the month or as posted on college website.


Vice President of Business and Administrative Services, Academic Senate President, one additional Manager Representative, one additional Faculty Representative, two Classified Representatives, two Student Representatives.


Vice President of Business and Administrative Services


50% of filled voting seats + 1 voting member

Current Members

Arzu Smith (chair)

Jason Berner Non-voting

Nick Dimitri Non-voting

Sara Marcellino Non-voting

Mayra Padilla Non-voting

Ashley Phillips

Monica Rodriguez

Joel Nickelson-Shanks (Alt.)

Michael Zephyr (classified)

Brian Williams (classified)

Andrew Kuo (faculty)

Gabriela Segade (faculty)


Minutes & Agendas

Minutes are recorded of issues and actions and are distributed to the members and public via the College Website and forwarded to the College Council and Planning Committee.